Nostril protection

7 Products

innoHorse offers different types of nostril protection for different areas of application, where significant improvements to the respective problem can be achieved with the help of this simple tool. (product video)

The first to be mentioned here is headshaking syndrome, and secondly sunburn in the nostril area, general sensitivity to insects and allergies (here it serves as protection against pollen and dust getting into the respiratory tract). Covering the nostrils can be of great benefit in such cases, as numerous horse owners and veterinarians who use our products confirm. Depending on the intended use, the nose nets must meet different requirements. That's why there are different versions for riding and grazing.

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    For the pasture we recommend the "Nose Shade" nostril net with a higher sun protection factor, which on the one hand protects sun-sensitive horses from sunburn and on the other hand provides relief for many allergy sufferers. It is woven more densely than the nose cover and is significantly more robust thanks to leather reinforcement. That's how it has to be, as the net is constantly pulled across the meadow by the horse while grazing. Pollen, dust and dirt settle on the outside of the material, so it is recommended to clean it daily with water and a brush to keep it permeable to air. “Nose Screen” is made of the same material, but narrower and shorter. This item is primarily used for sunburn or high sensitivity to insects.

    When riding, the “nose cover” in many cases results in a significant improvement and even the disappearance of headshaking symptoms. This is available in different shapes so that it can be used with a wide variety of bridle types.

    However, individual headshakers react even more positively to cords that tap against the nostrils when they move, thus causing a sensory stimulus. Our range of “nose strings” is available for these horses. The nostril fringes can be attached to the side of the cheek pieces of the bridle using a Velcro strip and their effect can be varied using sliding metal eyelets, depending on what the horse reacts best to.

    Unfortunately, the horses' reactions cannot be predicted; you may have to try out the different options.

    The “Connector” connection piece is only required if the nose net is to be attached directly to an innoHorse light protection mask. In this case, the light protection mask must be ordered with an additional Velcro strap for attaching the connector. All innoHorse light protection masks offer a corresponding selection option when ordering.

    For various reasons, we do not offer nose covers, nose shades and nose screens sewn directly onto the light protection mask. You can find out more about this here:

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